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有RAM® Mounts 真是好"鴨"!

Jeep Ducking

「吉普鴨」(Jeep Ducking)是2020年,從加拿大安大略省的一個社區開始的。當時一位Jeep車主艾莉森(Allison Parliament),在商店買了一袋黃色小鴨;她注意到停車場有另一輛Jeep,於是在一隻小鴨上寫了「好讚的吉普!」 (nice jeep)並把它留在該輛車上。車主也注意到了,大笑著並建議她發佈到社群平台上。


Now that's a serious case of the "Duck, Duck, Jeep!" 🦆 Duck And Dash makes it easy to spread joy among the Jeep  community and show off those cute rubber ducks with plenty of room for your RAM® Mounts to boot!  📸 Duck And Dash
Now that's a serious case of the "Duck, Duck, Jeep!" 🦆 Duck And Dash makes it easy to spread joy among the Jeep community and show off those cute rubber ducks with plenty of room for your RAM® Mounts to boot! 📸 Duck And Dash
Now that's a serious case of the "Duck, Duck, Jeep!" 🦆 Duck And Dash makes it easy to spread joy among the Jeep  community and show off those cute rubber ducks with plenty of room for your RAM® Mounts to boot!  📸 Duck And Dash
Now that's a serious case of the "Duck, Duck, Jeep!" 🦆 Duck And Dash makes it easy to spread joy among the Jeep community and show off those cute rubber ducks with plenty of room for your RAM® Mounts to boot! 📸 Duck And Dash
Now that's a serious case of the "Duck, Duck, Jeep!" 🦆 Duck And Dash makes it easy to spread joy among the Jeep  community and show off those cute rubber ducks with plenty of room for your RAM® Mounts to boot!  📸 Duck And Dash
Now that's a serious case of the "Duck, Duck, Jeep!" 🦆 Duck And Dash makes it easy to spread joy among the Jeep community and show off those cute rubber ducks with plenty of room for your RAM® Mounts to boot! 📸 Duck And Dash


文章: Blog2_Post
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